GEMINI Forecast for 2022


Gemini StorytellerChannelling New Stories

In January, the Moon Nodes, traversing Gemini/Sagittarius for the past eighteen months, move into Taurus/Scorpio. Now you will be looking at how to purify your awareness of collective consciousness and be of service while working on personal healing in your everyday environment. The eclipses bring opportunities to deepen your knowledge of under-conscious realms; to release unhealthy habits and disharmonious energy in your workplace. Mercury's second retrograde period this year will be in Gemini/Taurus in May, giving you a chance to review shifts in perspective from previous years. Saturn, still in the home of the seeker, encourages philosophical adventures and perseverance in established meditation and spiritual practices. Venus, Mars and Juno during the early months of 2022 empower you in relationships and deepen your awareness of soul connections. Most planets are moving through your solar chart's Southern hemisphere, focusing your attention on other people and society in general. However, Mars moves into Gemini in September and will be in your sign for the remainder of the year. Make the most of an increased burst of energy and a chance to focus on your own unique needs and aspirations; then, during its retrograde, on your inner growth into the New Year.

GEMINI Forecast for 2021

Continuing your mission to live in the centre of your true Self

Vesta, the goddess of the sacred hearth fire, gifts you a sense of coming home to yourself this year. Your planet fleet-footed Mercury, makes its second retrograde of the year in Gemini, lengthening its stay in your sign from 6 May - 22 June. The messenger passing over the North Moon Node urges you to become more committed to your spiritual direction. Jupiter, travelling through your 9th solar house adds enthusiasm and joy to the process. Saturn encourages philosophical and spiritual studies and brings the benefit of discipline to your practice. Don't forget to watch for signs and symbols of guidance popping into your everyday world, especially in the form and behaviour of feathered friends. Goddess Ceres is also in Gemini from early May to August, her sustaining Mother influence pointing you in the direction of Earth environmental issues and the welfare of the most oppressed, particularly women and children. Pallas Athene in your 10th house, from mid-March for the rest of the year, will be encouraging you to become more public, taking action to right wrongs wherever you see the need.

Your Zodiac Sign

GEMINI YOGAGemini ~ Breeze 21 May – 21 June
Physical correlations:
Lungs, shoulders, arms, nervous system
Celestial Correlations: Mercury
Gemstones: Quartz crystal, Tiger's Eye

The healing wisdom of Gemini is KNOWLEDGE
The first Air sign of the Zodiac specializes in mercurial changes. Geminis like to shift the furniture around and tend to read the last page of a book first. Many myths concerning twins and sister goddesses symbolize dark and light polarities, and the search for wholeness through integration of our hidden sides. Geminis are like exquisite birds who light down near you, then dart away with a flash of colourful feathers, following curiosity and the allure of other brighter flowers. The Lovers tarot card shows the dilemma of seeing self mirrored in other, and deciding whether to merge into one or focus on duality.